Thursday, February 25, 2010
Heather Christian
An Advanced Photoshop Techniques assignment where we had to make a postcard, poster, jewel case and CD label using templates and paying attention to the bleed, trim, and safety designations of the PDF. It was a lot of fun.
The artist's name is Heather Christian. Check out her music! She's quite snazzy. And the first classy Myspace page I've seen in years!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Butterfly Still Life
Just finished this. I like butterflies and purple DnD dice. Not sure how long this took me but I'm very pleased with it, if I can be honest, lol. I didn't fashion myself a painter before.
This is for Advanced Photoshop Techniques, a 1 week assignment. Click on the image to see its full dimensions -- the blog crops it a bit.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
An octopus man. I want to go back and fix this because I had a lot of issues with Photoshop crashing and having to restart it -- thus I had to rush. A few edges look really bad up close. But overall I'm pretty pleasantly surprised with it.
I love painting this character -- he's created by a friend, though I help conceptualize him sometimes. Tentacles are awesome. You just put them where you need more compositional shapes. Like, what more do you need.
Self Portrait
Something for Advanced Photoshop techniques. The hair looks bad, but I was focusing more on the face.