Thursday, March 4, 2010

Minai Landscape

Minai Landscape, originally uploaded by Ntkufreak.

For my Advanced Photoshop class. Photoshop gave me a heart attack when it crashed -- I guess it didn't record my saves, or I didn't actually save, but I lost about 3 hours worth of the polishing.

FORTUNATELY, I'd screen capped it to show a friend.

So... I lost a ton of my layers and the high-res of the image. BUT I didn't lose EVERYTHING. And I was much more up to just scale it back to the size it needed to be and keep going with what I had, then paint everything again and have the saddest face.

Anyway, yeah, it's done.


1 comment:

  1. I like this a lot - fantastic atmosphere. I sympathize with losing hours of work over a crash. I always forget to save when I get into something I'm working on.
